Principal's Message
Welcome back to what proves to be another busy and exciting term filled with learning activities and opportunities for growth. We are looking forward to continuing to build upon the successes that our school has secured throughout the first term.
The introduction of our new school logo, online newsletter, schoolzine platform, updated website and Facebook page have allowed us to build the communication channels and foster strong partnerships between home and school.
A huge thank you to the Parent Club for their organisation and facilitation of the colour run, which was held to celebrate the end of a wonderful term. These types of events bring students, staff, and families together to create a sense of belonging and unity within the community. The event also provided opportunities for students to socialise with their peers outside of the classroom, building friendships and creating a positive school culture where everyone feels connected and included. We look forward to including more innovative events over the coming years.
We have a packed calendar of events this term, including various curriculum excursions, SAPSASA events, Sports Day and various other activities. Please see the term one calendar of events which was sent home last term. You can also locate the upcoming events on the calendar through the schoolzine app and website.
A reminder that broad brimmed hats are required to be worn all year round. Please ensure that your child has a school hat. These can be purchased from the front office. A friendly reminder that as the weather is becoming cooler, students are to wear the Port Augusta West Primary School Royal Blue jumper as part of the uniform policy.
I am delighted to welcome new students to our community this term. Please join me in extending a warm welcome to Anika and Ethan Abesamis and Prudence Olawumi as they embark on their journey with us. Your kindness and support will ensure that they feel right at home from day one.
In support of the ‘Do It For Dolly’ Foundation, we worked towards celebrating and sharing kindness, with a focus on stamping out bullying at our school today! It has been amazing to see some of our school leaders sharing their support by facilitating some kindness activities with their younger peers. I was blown away at the enthusiasm and empathy which was evident and I would like to congratulate the following students for displaying wonderful leadership by leading the activities today. Addison Murphy, Piper Micklewood, Indy Knibbs, Maddison Corbell, Dekoda Kingham, Marleigh Bulter, Luca Hamilton, Luca Granthan and Heeba Ghani. You should be extremely proud of yourselves. Thank you from the PAWPS community!
Wishing you all a wonderful start to the new term!
Sarah Bury
Every Child ~ Every Classroom ~ Every Day
Parents & Friends
Assistant Principal
The Port Augusta West Primary School Staff would like to invite parents and guardians to attend a parent information session all about “Read Write Inc: Phonics”. All students from Reception to Year 3 partake in Read Write Inc. on a daily basis at Port Augusta West Primary and it is the main resource that we use to teach students how to read and decode words. If you would like to gain more information on what phonics is, how the program is taught, expected levels of progress and support that can be provided in the family home please come and visit on Wednesday 15/05/2024 from 6:00pm-7:00pm.
If you are interested in attending please let us know by contacting our front office by Monday the 13/05/2024.
We hope to see you there!
SAPSASA - Cross Country
We would like to acknowledge Ruby McVeigh who represented PAWPS and entered in to the 10 year old girls cross country event which was held on Wednesday at Seaview Christian School. Ruby competed against other students from a variety of schools in the region, where she placed 4th overall. She ran 2km with a time of 13mins and 10 seconds.
This is a tough course for the competitors and we would like to congratulate Ruby for her amazing effort in completing the course. Well done!
Upcoming Student Free Day and Public Holiday
A friendly reminder for your diaries - that Friday June 7th is a Student Free Day and Monday 10th June is the King's Birthday.